Monday, October 1, 2007

TV-out su Radeon Mobility M7 (7500)

Sto cercando di far funzionare il TVout del mio IBM ThinkPad T40 sotto PCLinuxOS.
Nel passato, con Mepis (e XFree86) funzionava (male) con atitvout.
Qui con xorg non sembra funzionare.
Ho trovato queste istruzioni, pero'.
E anche queste.
Ci devo provare.

c'e' poi un tipo sul forum di pclinuxos che ha fatto cosi':

Ran XFdrake:
Selected "ATI Radeon (fglrx)"
Answered YES to "proprietary" driver prompt
Took defaults for the card options / startup:

Graphic card options ____________________
|*| 3D hardware acceleration
| | Enable Translucency (Composite extension)
Graphical interface at startup ____________________
|*| Automatically start the graphical interface (Xorg) upon booting

Selected generic monitor 800x600 @ 60 Hz 24bpp.

Ran startx

The desktop came up on the TV, monitor went black.
Opened up a Konsole session and everything locked up.

I then booted back into text mode and ran XFdrake again and unchecked the "3D hardware acceleration" and rebooted.
The display came up on the TV and everything seems to work ok (no lockups so far).

I also ran the "/usr/X11R6/bin/fireglcontrolpanel" and selected clone mode for the 2 displays. After restarting X, both the
TV & the monitor were active.

When I get time I'll experiment some more and try to load MythTV, but right now I'm pretty impressed with GBPVR.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Recently tested distro

All of them in Virtualbox or VMware.
Sidux Gaia
Debian Sid, KDE, very recent Kernel, nice tools for TV and nice scripts and customization scripts.
Menu is confused, too many applications.
Nice way to approach a "pure" debian.
Also 64bit.

Klikit alpha
Very nice look, needs at least 192MB RAM in the virtualbox and it's still slow.
Kubuntu Feisty based, KDE, one-clik install, kooldock, to be tested deeper, but it's very promising and user friendly.
Too much "Ubuntu", though.
Still I prefer PCLOS, which is very easy to use for the beginner but also powerful and complete.
I'll keep a close eye on it.

PCLinuxOS, XFCE with Beryl, nice, cool, light and complete.

Wolvix 1.1.0
Slackware, XFCE, very light but complete.
Very nice for a light vitual linux.

Gnome, very, very good distro for music. It introduced me to Rosegarden and Jack.
Yet it's pretty simple (as a distribution, software is tough!). Much better than the other distros I've tried in this field (ubuntu studio, dynabolic. musix still to test) and its pure 64bit. A i686 version is available too.

Dreamlinux and Vectorlinux

Only opened in VMware (which is too slow on my pc) thanks to bagside and his appliances.
Not liked much. Nothing distinctive at my quick look.

LinuxMint Cassandra
Ubuntu Feisty, Gnome, very nice look (much much better than Ubuntu).
Ready to use and simple. Most of the missing things in Ubuntu are readily available here. Not only the proprietary/closed source stuff (maybe philosophically not acceptable, but often very useful) but also amarok, among others.
Should I reinstall an Ubuntu-like gnome distro I might really consider to install Mint instead of the "original" Ubuntu.
Even more appealing is the KDE version, which I'll test soon.
With PCLOS (and klikit), Mint is to me the "best" distro for beginners or ex-windows users.

My Preferred Distro
Still, so far, my top distro depending on the environment:
KDE: PCLinuxOS 2007
Gnome: LinuxMint Cassandra
XFCE: Wolvix and SAM
USB drive: DamnSmallLinux, Puppy 2.15, Slax Killbill (depending on available size)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

USB speakers

On PCLinuxOS I can't let the USB speakers work.
I think it might be a missing feature in KDE, more than a pclos issue.
The USB speakers are recognized as a different sound card.
In Gnome there's a nice setting were you just declare which soundcard is your default.
On boot it tries that card, if not present it falls back to the other card.
This works nicely with the USB speakers, just declearing those as the default card.
There are some annoyances when switching the speakers on and off, but it generally works.
Same feature is in Rhythmbox, if I'm not mistaken.
No way to find this in KDE or Amarok, though.

I've found an interesting post for Kubuntu, but should work on pclos as well.

Re: switching between USB speakers and PCI sound card

Here is a fix for ya; although not a GUI one perhaps - but it is clickable.

open a shell and type


asoundconf list

Then make a note of the sound cards you have.
In my case, I have

Since I know that CK8S is my on-board sound card and the headset is - A HEADSET, then I can create switches for each:

First new text file, write:

#! /bin/sh -f
sudo asoundconf set-default-card (your main soundcard - no brackets)

so mine looks like this:


#! /bin/sh -f
sudo asoundconf set-default-card CK8S

OK, save this and then create one just like it for your headset.

Congrats, now you have two cool looking icons (Ubuntu Dapper) that do
nothing whatsoever! Just kidding, go ahead and right click on each of
them. Goto properties and then permissions. Under owner, check off the
Execute option. Then click the close button at the bottom.

OK, are you ready? Click on the one for your headset - boom, it will
ask you how you wish to run this. Choose "in the terminal" and then
enter the password - you just changed the default sound card without
needing to hack the .conf file manually.

From here on out, just click as you wish to toggle between the two. You
may not have to enter the password each time, it's a timed sort of

If using to toggle media in a browser, you will need to close the
browser with each new toggle. With on the desktop media files however,
you will need to close whatever program you were using for the same

In addition, this also seems to clean up sound issues that are assigned
in Skype. In short, once assigned the settings in Skype are not staying


Last edited by ctsdownloads : January 3rd, 2007 at 09:27 AM.

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Monday, July 9, 2007

PCLinuxOS 2007 installation

PCLinuxOS 2007 installation
jul 09, 2007

tot install time ~20min
tot personalization so far <2h00

The notebook:
IBM ThinkPad T40
CPU intel pentium M 1300MHz
HF fujitsu 100GB
Sound max integrated digital audio from Analog Devices
video: ATI mobility radeon 7500 (32MB shared memory)
modem: agere system AC'97
infrared, LAN, 2 USB 1.1, docking station


partitioning scheme:
hda1 (/winXP not automounted, ntfs) (85GB)
hda2 /boot ext3 (100MB)
hda3 /media/scambio fat32 (2GB)
hda5 /media/important ext3 (1GB)
hda6 / ext3 (11GB)
hda5 swap (1GB)

Keyboard: UK
Time zone: Europe/Rome

after base install: ~2.5GB used space
TV card Dazzle not recognized, wireless PCMCIA Belkin Mimo not recognized

kernel: 2.6.18-8 (i586)

Feeling after first install:
It's very nice and very fast, compared to all other distros I've tested (including different flavours of Ubuntu, Sabayon, Mandriva...). I like the way of organizing the start menu, very clean and essential, even though it might be tricky to find something such as the Beryl manager which is very well hidden in the hyerarchy...
I've loved the search area seen firstly in Sabayon, also present now in Ubuntu, Mint and some others. I'd like to see it here as well. I'll install Kerry, maybe there's some option there to add it in the start menu.
mp3 audio works out of the box.
ntfs can be read with no hassle and fat32 partition can be written --> no need to play around with fstab, first time in my decade-long linux experience.
a very useful menu in ubuntu is the places menu, with all the mounted partitions immediately visible. I prefer this way then going through the places/storage group. the menu way is faster and cleaner. I'd like to see tha same in pclos.
Beryl doesn't start immediatly or doesn't ask to start. that's a pity, for a new user might not know that beryl/compiz does exist and will be left with the impression that pclos does not support all the beautiful desktop effects.
the way sabayon manages this is very nice: at the first boot (also in the live CD) the user is prompt with the question of wich (if any) acceleration is preferred: AIGLX, XGL, nothing. pclos can do the same and ask for beryl, compiz or nothing and suggest where to find the beryl manager application in the menus.


WiFi: setup through control center/wireless/ndiswrapper.
inf file used: netani.inf from netgear wpnt511 driver
--> network working very fine and fast (WEP-WPA not tested)
No connection status icon found --> added to panel by adding the network applet.
This in turn has started the usual monitor with the link strength and net switch possibility.
In the preferences of this monitor I've selected "start on startup".

Installed through synaptics (in different sessions):
note: no need to change or add respositories, everything works as it is.

1. gramps, kerry, libdvdcss2
2. aspell-it, locales-it, mozilla-firefox-it, mozilla-thunderbird-it, myspell-it_IT, myspell-thes-it_IT, (with OOo upgrade to 2.2.1-1)
3. timidity++, easytag, gcompris, gcompris-sounds-it, rosegarden
4. googleearth, kdegames-suite, ksudoku, skype, wesnoth
5. mercurial
6. lib-dvb

msttcorefonts is not in the repository.
peering through the pclos control panel, I found an "install fonts" application, which includes an "import windows fonts" button. this retrievs the fonts from the existing windows installation (should be mounted). in 10min I have a full set of true type fonts to increase compatibility with microsoft applications.
btw, starting OOo (writer, in my test) takes some time, but not too long. the second time it starts, though, it's really fast, much faster than I've seen in other distributions. I don't know what made the trick, maybe that package that I've seen during the upgrade of OOo

started through the Beryl manager icon hidden in the menus.
beryl works very fine, fast and really really smooth.
I've switched to compiz, but this has some small imperfections, such as the top border of the window is completely transparent.
also, there was no way to switch from compiz to anything else (beryl or kde).
I had to restart the X server (CTRL+backspace) to exit compiz.
porbably the switching among window managers should be more carefully checked by the developers/testers.
another plus for pclos: I've been used to switch off beryl when trying to watch a video or even sometimes when opening OOo document. instead pclos lets me watch video (or dvd) and open documents without switching off beryl and with no apparent performance loss.

DVD play:
with the libdvdcss installed, dvd plays well with the default player, though mplayer gives better results as for rendering and smoothness. mplayer should be the default for DVD play.
I haven't checked, but I believe DMA is automatically enabled on the DVD, for it spins fast and the video is smooth.

TV tuner "Dazzle TV Hybrid Stick":
followed the french howto at
"build-essentials" and "linux-headers" are not present in the repositories.
Nevermind, though: I've seen that gcc is already installed and also the headers. (note: this is very unusual but very welcome. most of the users do not need to compile anything, but it's always annoying that headers and compilers are not installed as default).
I had to install mercurial with synaptics.
dvb-utils and libxine-extracodecs are also not present.
don't know what dvb-utils does, so I've installed lib-dvb, hoping it's the same with a different name. xine codecs seem to be already installed as well.
(note: sudo does not work, I had to use su instead. I'll need to check how to enable sudo).
I've used firmware_v3.
the directory "/lib/firmware/`uname -r` " does not exist in pclos. I've unpacked the file in /lib/firmware/ instead.
after restarting the machine, the modprobe commands did succeed but em2880-dvb. don't know why.
dmesg did show the correct info.
still need to add the modules to modprobe.preload (not to /etc/modules): I want to understand the em2880-dvb first.

TV tuner testing:
the hardware installer in the control panel still did not found anything (maybe I need a reboot with automatic load of the modules at boot?).
tvtime also didn't show anything (but I don't know this software, first-time user...).
kaffeine instead not only did find the TV stick, but also completed the channel scan, found loads of channels and played very well, fast and smooth the dvb channels. (so, what does the -dvb module do?).
to me seems faster and better than the original pinnacle software for winxp bundled to the stick.
overall, it took much lower effort and gave better results the installation on pclos than on winXP (need to get the XP2...).
I didn't succed with sabayon on the same task. I haven't tested ubuntu with the stick, anyway, I was delighted with the results on pclos.

I need to test most of the SW I've installed so far, especially gcompris, rosegarden, wesnoth, skype and OOo/win compatibility.
openwengo is not available in the rep. need to find it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

copiare gruppi di appartenenza utente

Understanding /etc/group file

molto interessante anche questo:

migrate user accounts


da feisty su virtualbox: utente std base appartiene a questi gruppi:

$ cat /etc/group | grep zagor













in definitiva quindi, basta aprire il file /etc/group con distro live e editarlo assegnando l'utente davide ai gruppi std, cosi' dovrebbe tornare a posto, senza toccare /etc/sudoers.

controllare anche che lpadmin sia espressamente dichiarato per davide, altrimenti siamo punto e a capo con cupsadmin

ho distrutto sudo!

Nel seguire la guida con troppa fretta ho lanciato

usermod -G printadmin davide

questo ha cancellato tutti i gruppi di appartenenza dell'utente e quindi sudo non funziona piu'.

root non e' abilitato e non ho altri utenti sul sitema.

che fare?

idea: avvio con una live, accedo al file etc/sudoers e aggiungo l'utente "davide" ai sudoers.

poi, se funziona sudo, dovrei poter aggiungere tutti gli altri gruppi del default.

speriamo in bene...

How to allow more sudoers

EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo

(nota: visudo e' un comando che edita il file /etc/sudoers in modo sicuro,
bloccando il file con un lock /etc/sudoers.tmp e controllando la sintassi
prima di salvare. la definizione della variabile EDITOR e' perche' di base
visudo apre il file con vi)

  • Append the following line at the end of file

system_username ALL=(ALL) ALL

  • Save the edited file

OR since everyone in the admin group can use sudo:

sudo adduser a_username admin

This appends the admin group to the user's supplementary group list. They will now have sudo access.


How to set/change/enable root user password

sudo passwd root

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

installare XP al posto di vista

Dell Solution Network: risoluzione guidata dei problemi

OPERAZIONE: Install the hardware drivers on the portable computer.

Install the appropriate hardware drivers. Locate the Drivers and Utilities CD you received with your computer.&nbsp;

For the system to function properly, you must install your hardware drivers in the following order:

  1. Desktop System Software or Notebook System Software
  2. Chipset or SMBus driver
  3. Processor Driver (if applicable)
  4. Video
  5. Audio (sound)
  6. Input Drivers (keyboard/mouse)
  7. Modem (Desktop computers have a separate CD for the modem)
  8. Network Card

istruzioni per reinstallare e scaricare i driver


Cose da scaricare sicuramente:

Dell Notebook System Software

Dell QuickSet

Dell Support 3.4

NOTE: To install Dell Support, you must install Microsoft.Net Framework first. Click this Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package link. Click Download, and follow the instructions to install the program.

Friday, June 1, 2007

mythTV e dazzle hybrid TV

2917.188000] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[ 2917.251000] em28xx v4l2 driver version 0.0.1 loaded
[ 2917.251000] usbcore: registered new interface driver em28xx
[ 3276.384000] usb 1-3: USB disconnect, address 4
[ 3280.123000] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
[ 3280.241000] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

zagor@akira ~ $ sudo lsusb
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 1241:1122 Belkin
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 001 Device 005: ID eb1a:2881 eMPIA Technology, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

sudo modprobe em28xx

zagor@akira ~ $ lsmod | grep em28
em28xx 45224 0
compat_ioctl32 2432 1 em28xx
ir_common 31108 1 em28xx
videodev 26624 1 em28xx
v4l2_common 23936 2 em28xx,videodev
t 13572 2 em28xx,videodev
tveeprom 15248 1 em28xx
i2c_core 21760 6 em28xx,tveeprom,i2c_i801,radeonfb,fb_ddc,i2c_algo_bit


* Determining the location of the kernel source code
* Found kernel source directory:
* /usr/src/linux
* Found kernel object directory:
* /lib/modules/2.6.20-sabayon-r3/build
* Found sources for kernel version:
* 2.6.20-sabayon-r3
>>> Unpacking source...
* hg clone ...
abort: error: Name or service not known
 [ !! ]

!!! ERROR: media-tv/v4l-dvb-hg-0.1-r2 failed.
Call stack:, line 1614: Called dyn_unpack, line 751: Called qa_call 'src_unpack'
environment, line 4110: Called src_unpack
v4l-dvb-hg-0.1-r2.ebuild, line 47: Called mercurial_src_unpack
mercurial.eclass, line 77: Called mercurial_fetch
mercurial.eclass, line 54: Called die

!!! (no error message)
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
!!! A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/media-tv/v4l-dvb-hg-0.1-r2/temp/build.log'.

EDIT: this link possibly best:
Card should be same as Pinnacle PCTV Hybrid Pro Stick (320e) (USB ID=eb1a:2881).
Card option could be (link for kernel 2.6.29):
53 -> Pinnacle Hybrid Pro
1 -> Unknown EM2750/28xx video grabber
52 -> DNT DA2 Hybrid

EDIT2: the latter link seems to work up to Hardy, maybe not on Intrepid
EDIT3: with kernel >2.6.24 see this article on HTPCpoint (in Italian)

EDIT4: from Pinnacle web page:

PCTV Hybrid Pro Stick (320e)

Dazzle*TV Hybrid Stick (320e)

EDIT5: latest resources found on installation:
OpenLinux (in Italian)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

residence nelle marche

mappa per i residence nelle marche che stiamo valutando.

in particolare questo (residence casale del conero)

recuperato da qui

Thursday, April 26, 2007

installing klik on sabayon 3.3

To setup klik:

"To quickly prepare your system for klik, install the klik client (NOT as root):

wget -O -|sh

and follow instructions on screen."

Since I receive a rpm2cpio missing message:

Klik users faq says:

"rpm2cpio (part of package "rpm") [missing f.e. on Arch Linux -
install rpmunpack, and symlink it to rpm2cpio - and not installed by
default on (K)Ubuntu and Freespire"

and later:

" Gentoo (make sure your Kernel has loop mounting and cramfs + zisofs file system support)"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

alimentatore silenzioso e media center

mi sono imbattuto in un sito che descrive come creare un media center linux, nel quale a un certo punto si descrive un alimentatore esterno. potrebbe tornare utile.

qui per comprare materiale elettronica che fa al caso del media center

Dell 1390 native linux driver

Found an interesting howto on how to setup the wireless card in the Dell 1501.

Dell 1390 native linux driver how-to UPDATED

Monday, April 23, 2007

compile kernel on Sabayon

While looking for a working hybrid DVB-T card, I've found this "dvb-t e quickcam" useful post where the following hint is given:

use genkernel to be fast

genkernel --bootloader=grub --xconfig all

you'll have a compiled kernel already added to grub Wink

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ultimi ritocchi Inspiron 1501 prima della consegna

Copiato diverse splash images per grub nella cartella /boot/grub/splash e aggiornato il file /boot/grub/menu.lst
Cambiato .bashrc per avere una console a colori e editato il profilo per abilitare le trasparenze di gnome-terminal

Dati pc:
elenco partizioni e punti di mount
Fatto ultimi aggiornamenti disponibili (ora il kernel e' 2.6.20-15-generic)
Fatto backup con partimage di sda2 (/boot), sda7 (/home), sda8 (/).
Per farlo, ho avviato il pc con system rescue cd e montato il direttorio di scambio:

mkdir /mnt/scambio
mount -t vfat /dev/sda5 /mnt/scambio

poi ho seguito la stessa prassi indicata nel post sul backup di vista.

Ho avviato Mandriva One 2007 e notato che anche qui xgl non funziona. Pero' funzionano i tasti del brightness. In /etc/X11/xorg.conf la sezione della tastiera e' identica e il modello indicato e' pc105 versione italiana. Tornato in Ubuntu e rimessa la stessa tastiera, pero', il brightness continua a non funzionare.

Da ultimo ho seguito le istruzioni della guida beryl di redDEAD per l'accelerazione 3D, dopo aver installato i driver proprietari dall'apposito menu in "preferenze".
Tutto e' andato liscio, ma non c'e' verso di far girare beryl: e' installato, ma niente accelerazione, come gia' avevo visto tempo fa provando sabayon 3.3. Con Sabayon, infatti, l'acceleration manager chiede se usare XGL, ma il risultato e' uno schermo tutto nero. Beryl su Ubuntu invece non ha effetto e il desktop si vede, ma niente accelerazione. L'accelerazione senza driver proprietari, continua invece a dare schermo completamente bianco.
Sembra proprio che questa scheda ATI Xpress 200M non funzioni per ora. C'e' sempre il dubbio dell'allocazione della memoria da bios, ma non ho avuto tempo di provare questa via.
Niente cubo rotante.
Ho rimosso tutto beryl (cercando beryl su synaptics e disinstallando tutto quello che era installato) e cancellato i file creati seguendo la guida di redDEAD. Poi ho rimosso i driver ATI proprietari.

Meglio installare i driver per la stampante lexmak Z600 su vista dopo aver collegato la stamapante, magari funziona senza bisogno di driver.
Su Ubuntu i driver dovrebbero essere installati, ma si deve controllare una volta connessa la stampante.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

OpenOffice spell check

Added openoffice spellcheck for italian and english to Sabayon 3.26.

emerge myspell-it myspell-en

Quick reminder for emerge:

emerge --sync to update portage package list
layman -S to update all layers (i.e. sabayon layer)

emerge -S text to look for "text" into the name and description of the packages
emerge -s text as before, but checks only in the names
emerge -pv package_name simulates installation --> check dependencies ("pretend")
emerge (-a) package_name installs package (asking for confirmation)
emerge -u package_name updates to latest stable verison of package
emerge -f package_name only downloads package without installing

emerge --unmerge package_name removes package, dependencies are untouched
emerge -C package_name as above
emerge -ac package_name removes package AND unnecessary dependencies

always better to add option -a, wich asks for confirmation

more info on:
Sabayon wiki: portage
Gentoo handbook


Installato gcompris educational suite, ottima raccolta di software educativi per bambini anche piccoli. Installata anche la localizzazione italiana per il suono.

Stranamente tuxpaint non viene installato automaticamente.

L'ho quindi aggiunto a mano con synaptics.


GCompris is an educational software which propose different activities to children from 2 to 10 years old.


GCompris is an educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10. Some of the activities are gameorientated, but nonetheless still educational. Below you can find a list of categories with some of the activities available in that category.

-computer discovery: keyboard, mouse, different mouse gesture, ...
-algebra: table memory, enumeration, double entry table, mirror image, ...
-science: the canal lock, the water cycle, the submarine, electric simulation ...
-geography: place the country on the map
-games: chess, memory, connect 4, oware, sudoku ...
-reading: reading practice
-other: learn to tell time, puzzle of famous paintings, vector drawing, cartoon making, ...

Currently GCompris offers in excess of 100 activities and more are being developed. GCompris is free software, that means that you can adapt it to your own needs, improve it and, most importantly, share it with children everywhere.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Special keys

una buona notizia: con l'ultimo upgrade di qualche giorno fa i tasti speciali (tipo Fn+F1 per l'ibernazione) si sono messi a funzionare.
forse e' per il nuovo kernel (2.6.20-14-generic).
quindi: il wireless viene abilitato e disabilitato dai tasti, ibernazione e standby funzionano, volume e muting funzionano, brightness NON funziona ancora.
cosa strana pero' e' che in uscita dall'ibernazione il wireless non funzionava piu'.
poi ho messo in standby e riattivato (aprendo il coperchio) e il wireless funzionava di nuovo.
ho sospeso nuovamente (con i tasti funzione, questa volta) e al riavvio il wireless funzionava....

resta il dubbio se mettere un kernel dedicato AMD64 (tipo linux-amd64-k8), il sito dei packages per feisty lo considera obsoleto a favore del -generic.
quindi mi tengo il generic.


non reisco a installare mplayer 32 bit per feisty64, quindi dvdrip non funziona.

quindi installo xine-ui da synaptic e cambio le preferenze.
anche rar va cambiato.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

backup partizione vista

per il backup della partizione di vista ho usato partimage.
sudo apt-get install partimage

prima di lanciarlo, smontare le partizioni:
sudo umount -a

connettere ed eventualmente montare i dischi esterni necessari (nel caso il sistema non li avesse montati automaticamente)
sudo mkdir /mnt/temp
sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/temp
sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/temp
(o l'uno o l'altro: nell'esempio sda1 e' un generico filesystem linux o fat, sdb1 invece e' una partizione con filesystem ntfs)

lanciare partimage:
sudo partimage

selezionare la partizione da copiare e dare un nome al file di backup

dopo un paio di ok e un po' di tempo, il backup finisce.

se si riceve l'ok, vuol dire che la copia della partizione e' andata a buon fine.
il supporto per ntfs e' limitato, ma se si riceve l'ok la copia e' ben fatta.

meglio comunque controllare.
rilanciare partimage, selezionare la partizione, dare il nome del file seguito da .000 e selezionare "restore"
nella schermata successiva selezionare "simulate"

qui bastano pochi minuti

al termine, meglio rimettere la proprieta' dei file all'utente, per poterli successivamente cancellare comodamente:

sudo chown nome_utente vista*


per edgy, qui c'e' uno con gli stessi problemi miei: schermo bianco appena si abilita l'accelerazione con driver free. Forse il problema e' nella memoria? mi pare strano.

posso pero' provare con la guida ufficiale, ma e' troppo vecchia per feisty che dovrebbe gia' contenere tutti i moduli nel kernel.

anche la parte finale con:

sudo aticonfig --initial

sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv
e' la stessa gia' vista nei link precedenti. lui usa i driver ati proprietari.

c'e' pero' una differenza nello script di startup:


Xgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer &


exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session

la guida aggiornata per feisty e' qui.

piu' avanti (pag4) pare pero' proprio che non funzioni con le schede Xpress 200M.

in definitiva, direi che e' meglio lasciare i driver opensource, rimettere a posto xorg e aspettare con calma che anche la X200 venga supportata.

stasera provo sabayon o mandriva2007 live, giusto per vedere se almeno loro riescono a far girare il 3D.

per gli special keys e per mplayer nessuna nuova.

devo provare a mettere gxine al posto di mplayer nelle preferences di dvd::rip

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

ancora da fare dell

4/6/2007 10:33 AM:
ancora da fare:

special keys

in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Option&nbsp; "XkbModel" "inspiron"




link per dvd::rip e dvdshrink

libdvdcss2 (ubuntuguide; medibuntu



stampante lexmark Z600


DMA per DVD (

sudo hdparm /dev/hdc

sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc poi aggiungere codice in /etc/hdparm.conf)

fare immagine partimage sia di vista che di ubuntu

solo dopo immagine: provare ATI restricted



dma on per HD

card reader

first post: mission

this blog will be partly in italian and partly in english, depending on my mood.
as for now it will just collect my notes on my linux installations on different PCs and different distros, acting as a sort of "advanced bookmark".

Monday, April 2, 2007

Acquisto Dell Inspiron 1501

Un amico ha comprato un Dell Inspiron 1501 (con Vista) e me lo ha lasciato per installare Linux.

La scelta e' caduta su Ubuntu per similitudine con il suo desktop di casa, per semplicita' d'uso, per la qualita' del supporto della comunita' e perche' tanto le magie del 3D ci compiz e beryl non sono fondamentali (Mandriva 2007 o Sabayon, se lo fossero).

Caratteristiche tecniche di vendita (piu' tardi qualche output tipo lspci):
Numero di catalogo: 6161 N03156
AMD® Turion 64 MK36
Vista™ Home Basic
SDRAM DDR2 a doppio canale da 1024 MB a 533 MHz (2 da 512)
ATI Radeon® Xpress 1150 HyperMemory™ da 256 MB (scheda integrata, memoria shared)
Hard Drive 80 GB (5400 rpm) SATA
modem interno 56,6 k V.92
8X DVD+/-RW Dual Layer
Scheda wireless mini-PCI Dell 1390 802.11g 54Mb/s18
Display widescreen WXGA TFT (1280 x 800) da 15,4"
Card reader
2 USB 2.0 ports
no firewire, no webcam

Sulla carta sembrava facile e compatibile con linux, ma non e' stato cosi' semplice....

Primo impatto con Vista: pessimo. E' piuttosto lento, c'e' troppo schermo nero in avvio (non si capisce cosa stia facendo) e fa subito un suo aggiornamento online. Peccato che dopo il riavvio alcuni driver accessori non sono riconosciuti, explorer si impalla subito, faccio fatica a sfogliare persino i menu....

Poco male, tanto ci devo mettere linux....

Dopo l'installazione di un paio di cose e un bel defrag sono pronto a cominciare con il pinguino.

Ubuntu Dapper64 (6.10) e' la prima scelta, ma -errore mio- carico e installo la Dapper32. Poco male.

Primo problema con la procedura di installazione: il disco non e' riconosciuto.

E' un SATA con tre partizioni: una piccola fat16 per l'avvio del pc e la sua
schermata DELL, una di recovery con la bellezza di 10GB NTFS (occupati
si' e no 3....), e una mega partizione NTFS per Vista.

L'amico Google mi offre prontamente la risposta: mettere l'opzione pci=nomsi al boot.

E per di piu' cosi' facendo scopro una bella manna per me: il sito di redDEAD dedicato all'Inspiron 1501...!!! Evviva! C'e' una bella guida all'installazione, anche se a me e' servita solo per questa opzione. Inoltre non ho avuto bisogno di aggiungerla a grub, lo ha fatto da solo.

Tornando all'installazione, ho ridimensionato Vista a 35GB e partizionato il resto, installato grub sul MBR e atteso 25min per avere la mia bella Dapper funzionante e scattante al riavvio.

Ma ahime', Vista non partiva piu': mi offriva un desolante cursore verde ondeggiante o un ancor-piu'-desolante schermo nero....

-to be continued-