Thursday, September 6, 2007

Recently tested distro

All of them in Virtualbox or VMware.
Sidux Gaia
Debian Sid, KDE, very recent Kernel, nice tools for TV and nice scripts and customization scripts.
Menu is confused, too many applications.
Nice way to approach a "pure" debian.
Also 64bit.

Klikit alpha
Very nice look, needs at least 192MB RAM in the virtualbox and it's still slow.
Kubuntu Feisty based, KDE, one-clik install, kooldock, to be tested deeper, but it's very promising and user friendly.
Too much "Ubuntu", though.
Still I prefer PCLOS, which is very easy to use for the beginner but also powerful and complete.
I'll keep a close eye on it.

PCLinuxOS, XFCE with Beryl, nice, cool, light and complete.

Wolvix 1.1.0
Slackware, XFCE, very light but complete.
Very nice for a light vitual linux.

Gnome, very, very good distro for music. It introduced me to Rosegarden and Jack.
Yet it's pretty simple (as a distribution, software is tough!). Much better than the other distros I've tried in this field (ubuntu studio, dynabolic. musix still to test) and its pure 64bit. A i686 version is available too.

Dreamlinux and Vectorlinux

Only opened in VMware (which is too slow on my pc) thanks to bagside and his appliances.
Not liked much. Nothing distinctive at my quick look.

LinuxMint Cassandra
Ubuntu Feisty, Gnome, very nice look (much much better than Ubuntu).
Ready to use and simple. Most of the missing things in Ubuntu are readily available here. Not only the proprietary/closed source stuff (maybe philosophically not acceptable, but often very useful) but also amarok, among others.
Should I reinstall an Ubuntu-like gnome distro I might really consider to install Mint instead of the "original" Ubuntu.
Even more appealing is the KDE version, which I'll test soon.
With PCLOS (and klikit), Mint is to me the "best" distro for beginners or ex-windows users.

My Preferred Distro
Still, so far, my top distro depending on the environment:
KDE: PCLinuxOS 2007
Gnome: LinuxMint Cassandra
XFCE: Wolvix and SAM
USB drive: DamnSmallLinux, Puppy 2.15, Slax Killbill (depending on available size)

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